Hey, I'm not dead yet! And neither is my blog...

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Maybe it kinda looked like it seeing as I haven't posted for a really long while! What can I say, life got in the way :)

But I'm planning to start blogging again! Weekly at least is my goal, but more is better!

So what happened you might ask that precipitated the little hiatus my blog took? Well for starters I moved in September to Tennessee to do an internship for school at Oak Ridge National Labs. August was spent panicking about setting up said internship, and September with moving and learning my way around a new city which involved getting lost a lot (still does sometimes! lol) Since then I've been wrapped up with learning my new job (I do environmental stuff), as well as writing up yet another new thesis proposal - on said environmental stuff :D And December I was rather swamped with holiday sales (a pleasant surprise!). But now that the holidays are over, and my proposal is done, I'm finally trying to work on things I've kinda let go including my blog, flickr, etc.

Speaking of Flickr, for your viewing pleasure...

When JD goes to sleep at night with his favorite duckie plushie, he often has rather fanciful dreams...

Sometimes he dreams of being King JD, lord of pookie-dom...

Or resting away in peaceful Rivendale among the other elf rabbits :)